SII Semiconductor Corporation
- The Seiko Instruments Inc. semiconductor business has been spun off as a separate joint-venture entity called SII Semiconductor Corporation through joint investment with the Development Bank of Japan Inc. (DBJ) and commenced operation in January 2016. Leveraging DBJ’s extensive network and know-how in the field of M&A strategy, this new company aims to establish a global presence in the semiconductor industry.
SII Semiconductor Corporation
- The Seiko Instruments Inc. semiconductor business has been spun off as a separate joint-venture entity called SII Semiconductor Corporation through joint investment with the Development Bank of Japan Inc. (DBJ) and commenced operation in January 2016. Leveraging DBJ’s extensive network and know-how in the field of M&A strategy, this new company aims to establish a global presence in the semiconductor industry.
Room 305A, ShangHang Building, NO.23 Building , ShangBu Industrial Zone, Hongli Road, Futian, Shenzhen China, 518028! Contact Us Now!